public speaking

“My speech went as planned and no problems at all. Afterwards a number of people came up to say how they liked my speech. I very much appreciate your time and patience.”

Sometimes, fears of giving a speech or presentation can fill people with dread and foreboding. It becomes a ‘what if’ scenario, thinking of things that can go wrong. Making pictures in our mind of us forgetting what to say. and the audience looking embarrassed and uncomfortable.

It doesn’t have to be this way, as the methods good hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners will tell you.
I not only use NLP and hypnosis, but go through rehearsals including any props, aide memoirs or Powerpoints that will be used. I can then evaluate where things can be improved upon. This rehearsal is also used in hypnosis as well so that it feels as though you really are doing that speech.

There are so many people who suffer anxieties and fears over public speaking. Even perhaps turning down good job offers for fear they have to speak publicly.

How good will it feel when you have overcome the old fears and speak naturally, easily, effortlessly and confidently.