Stopping smoking reduces stress

Stopping smoking reduces stress (Daily Mail) Stopping smoking does reduce stress. Smoking causes depression and anxiety. The vicious circle though is when you try to stop smoking, you become anxious because you are addicted to smoking. The news is that smoking can cause breast cancer. Have we become immune to all these scares? You mig be saying that you will take your chances on life. That's an option, but if you do want to live longer and not have a smoking related disease which are nasty to say the least, then you will want to stop smoking as easily as [...]

How much is your relationship worth

How much is your relationship worth Is your relationship worth £5 10 or 20? Morrisons had a wide shelf of roses all different prices. Is there an assumption that the worth of the relationship is worth what you pay? Relationships will always be a work in progress. You can't take them for granted. When you do they start falling apart. A friend told me that she found that some people only focus on the negatives in any relationships, and forget to look at the bigger picture. When people do this to you, they are not worth your time and energy. [...]

Hypnosis helps IBS sufferers

Hypnosis helps IBS sufferers Irritable bowel syndrome affects thousands of people, and it can difficult treating it. Medications may slow the bowel down or speed it up, but they are not treating the cause. So what causes the bowel to become irritated? Certain foods play a part, but what if constant anxieties trigger the bowel to begin with and then those certain foods irritate it even more? Hypnotherapy research is now proving that receiving sessions of hypnotherapy does change the actions of the bowel by allowing the client to feel more relaxed and much less stressed. After the sessions, the [...]

Why are so many people anxious?

Why are so many people anxious? I met a woman who had lived through the Second World War. She said they did not have time to be depressed or anxious, that there was no such thing as anxiety. I thought she was wrong. There certainly was a grat deal of anxiety, but maybe they just did not fully acknowledge it, and thought they just had to get on with life. There are so many situations in life that cause us to be anxious. Yes there are many people in the world who are worse off than us, but it does [...]

How to transform yourself

How do you transform yourself, and what in to? You may be thinking that if you did not feel so negative, or could be more spontaneous, or even enjoy more fun in life, then that would transform you. You think you are stuck with old habits and behaviours, but that is not true. What is true is that your thinking has become habitual, and you don't know how to change it. Consciously you want to quite naturally, but unconsciously that old programme keeps running. Metaphorically you want to re-boot your brain. So imagine that you could do just that, and [...]

Getting facts right

Getting facts right It's always good to read in the EDP that someone is interested in hypnotherapy, but one fact was incorrect. The UEA does not hold courses in hypnotherapy. What it does do is hire rooms out to companies who train there. Sadly some people believe that they are being university trained when that is not the case. Great marketing from a business point of view, but incorrect to make the assumption that it is a university course. Anyone contemplating studying hypnotherapy whether it is called a 'hypnotherapy' or 'clinical hypnotherapy' ( same thing), should do research in what [...]

Bring back the Waltons

Bring back the Waltons I recall watching the Waltons American TV show in the late 60s. The show was about an American family living in the 1930s. Basically they promoted good beliefs and values. How many soaps these days do that? Family life is all about beliefs and values, and sadly many kids are growing up thinking they have to be famous to succeed, or can let the government look after them. How can we return to real values and beliefs.